When a transfer of records takes place Archives New Zealand will assist the transferring public office throughout the process.
Once the initial details of a transfer have been sorted the transferring public office should fill out and submit two crucial forms - the Transfer Agreement form and the Access Authority form. The Access Authority form sets out what (if any) access restrictions the records being transferred are subject to.
The Access Authority form needs to be submitted even if none of the records being transferred are restricted (in these cases the transferring public office needs to only fill out sections 1-3).
Advice on setting access conditions can be found in the: Making decisions on the Access Status of Public Records guide. The transfer archivist assisting the public office can also give advice on past precedent and best practice.
The Chief Archivist also needs to agree to any proposed restrictions. Archives staff will work with the public office to ensure that restrictions are understandable, have clear criteria for obtaining access permission and reflect best practice.
A Microsoft Word version of the Access Authority form can be downloaded here:
Access Authority form (.doc 864kb)
A PDF version of this agreement can be downloaded here:
Access Authority form (PDF 99kb)